After a very successful inaugural event last year, the Monash Health Urology unit will again complete a virtual bike ride over Friday 3 December and Saturday 4 December to fundraise for enhanced prostate cancer patient care.
Urology unit director Mr Scott Donnellan said that the second annual ‘Pump the Pedals for Prostate Cancer’ will involve the team riding in a relay format using Zwift technology.
Scott explained that this year’s initial target of $75,000 will be used on a number of enhancements.
“Funds raised will be used to expand the prostate cancer biopsy service to decrease waiting times for men while they wait to learn of their diagnosis,” Scott said.
“Further funds will be used in the Prostate Cancer Survivorship Clinic for nurses, dieticians and exercise physiologists to improve overall health and outcomes of men who have survived their cancer.”
The ‘Pump the Pedals’ ride will include some special guests.
“We are delighted that Monash Health Chief Executive Andrew Stripp will once again don the Pump the Pedals cycling jersey and kick off the event. AFL football commentator Brian ‘BT’ Taylor will also provide commentary and motivation,” Scott said.
Raising awareness about early diagnosis of prostate cancer has become increasingly important during the pandemic, with recent reports indicating that men are delaying testing and treatment. A major report from Cancer Australia indicates that the number of procedures for diagnosing prostate cancer fell 7 per cent – a drop of 50,618 diagnostic services.
“We fear that this fall will mean we see a surge in prostate cancer cases in the years to come. What’s more, we expect to be diagnosing at a more advanced stage,” said Scott.
“Health services are here to help. Please do not delay seeking medical assistance.”
To read more about ‘Pump the Pedals’ or to donate, please visit: